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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wonder acts

I was going to sleep on a certain night, when I saw Arch angel Rafael in the end my bed. He had no specific "shape", I just saw he's energy. (I just had read Lorna Byrne - Angels in my hair.) I asked Rafael that could i see angels like Lorna. He told me that I can't since I couldn't withstand all that light that comes from them but I could see them in my own way. I asked him to take a recognizable shape. Rafael became about 2 meters tall "see-through" man with wings. It was beautiful!

I admired him for a while, and asked if angels could do miracles "just like that." (This also happened after "the awakening", and my ego couldn't just let me believe everything.) He suggested me to close my eyes. I felt him coming closer to me. I don't know what Rafael did but when I opened my eyes, (I've had a really bad sight and I had to use glasses all my life) Now I saw without them! I could read and see all contours exactly. I thanked Rafael. He said "One day you are going to do these acts by yourself." And then he left.
I saw well only for couple days, but it was a valuable experience!

My first wonder act happened pretty quickly after that conversation. My friend was in a car crash and he became paralyzed. A couple months after that crash, my spirit guide woke me up in the middle of night and told me to go to that friend. I asked how on earth I could go there since it's 400 kilometers and in the middle of the night? Then I got out of my body. In less than a second I was right next to my friend. He was sleeping. My guide told me to give an energy healing to him. I did what I was told, and then returned to my own body.

Some time after that I heard that my paralyzed friend was able to move his limbs. I asked my guide that was it because of me and he said yes. I checked that also from Marko, since I couldn't believe that I did it. He also said yes.


I'll put my e-mail address, if anyone wants to talk about things privately or needs my help. Contact me:)


(I can't remember if this happened before or after the poltergeist) My friend came to visit us. We talked about spiritual world and I asked him that does he feel a cold spot in the right side of his body. He said yes. I saw his dead brother recline in him and I told him about that.

The brother wanted to show me things about his life. He showed me a bicycle, which he probably used a lot, a knife, which he used to stab someone.. I saw how they played football as kids and also his childhood's favourite toy. He showed me many things that were important for him, friends, girlfriend.
My friend's mother also came by. She had gone from this world also, and the cause of death was uncertain. She showed me how she died. I saw the place of death and the reason. I saw situations of her life. Kitchen's closets, she picked a knife and stabbed a man. This woman was guided by devils. I saw how devils told her to do other horrible things also.

Also a humanoid and a dark spirit arrived. This dark spirit had come so close to my friend that he even felt it physically. I prepared to drive it away, but for my relief it left by itself. The humanoid was just hanging around and watching. Few other spirits also visited, but they didn't say anything.


Let's return back to an earlier happening.

The first time when I knew that I was meeting dark spirits was really teaching experience. We had a Poltergeist at home. I noticed it when I went to shower. We had a long brush hanging in the wall that always moved when I was in shower. I wondered that but let it be. When I came from shower, I drank coffee and put the coffee cup on the table. It started shaking and moving. Nothing else on the table didn't move except that cup. I tried to incite the spirit to lift up the cup. (It was dumb, but I didn't know that it was a dark spirit). The cup vibrated on the table for about 4 mins.

Well... I called Marko again. He told me that we had many dark spirits at home and also he told me that it was a poltergeist. For some reason I wasn't scared but I sure was excited! I wondered how much I could learn about it.

Spirits moved stuff all the day. In the evening when I went to sleep I told them to leave now. I told them that this is my home and I have already one kid messing up the house, so there's no need for them to increase the mess anymore. They got pissed off and started keeping noise. We have glassy vitrine doors that they were tinkling. It took me about 4 hours o make them leave.

Such spirits have been at our place often, but they couldn't make such noise for long. I've also received calls about haunted houses. I've been cleaning them then.

I don't mean scare anyone with this. Rather encourage to investigate own fears. Think about next questions. What are you afraid of? Why? What's so scary in it? How great control it has in your life or does it limit your life? How could you deal with that fear and be balanced with it?

Where are we now?

Now I'm going to write about the present. What am I doing these days? So I live in Oulu, I'm a house mom, but sometimes I rent a room in a shop and do readings about passed lives. I drive bad spirits away, heal with energy, read tarot readings, read dreams, I do channeling and study new techniques all the time. Marko has become my mentor and he is teaching me continuously.

I often get "tests" in my home, meaning that my guide opens the gates and I must deal with different situations. This is sometimes quite challenging, since someone may wake me up to ask for help during the night. I also help people in the need of help through phone or facebook. I'll try to write here about those happenings.

My uncle received a message, that was meant for me. I'm asking you to think about that text.

Be what you are not. Be afraid. Bravery takes the same power. The emotions you wear is the key, what you are going to do together.

Many channeled texts are like this. Have to think and try to understand the deeper meaning and purpose of the message.