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Sunday, March 10, 2013


 When I started to see spirits, at the beginning I only saw their energy. At first I didn´t know if a spirit was a he or she, (spirits don´t have a gender, but they usually take the same shape what they looked like when they lived on the earth) or whatever shape they wanted. When I started to perceive their shapes, I had to do a lot of work to see what they looked like. Incrementally during the exercises I began to receive messages. They beginned to show me messages letter by letter, then sentences and nowadays I receive them as thoughts.

Before I got messages from the spirits (or being able to read), I often called my uncle Marko Pellikainen. He has helped me to progress on my path a lot and told me what the spirits have desired at each time. I thank Marko for all the help and patience!

Spirits have been visiting us often. They just didn't do anything but watching around and I didn't know what to do. I would have been completely lost if I didn't have Marko there helping me to understand that I am not crazy like I thought sometimes. In the beginning I doubted my own sanity. That probably happens to many when they are facing that moment, since they don't understand what's happening.
Once I went to sauna and there was a gnome sitting on the benches waiting for me. I really started to think about going to a state of mind analysis. But once again I decided to talk to my relatives first. Nowadays all this is normal and natural to me. And fear for all this is gone.

I hope that someone who reads this is facing this same situation and gets help and courage from this blog to come closer to the spiritual world. Towards the new!

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