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Saturday, March 9, 2013

First lesson

After the "awakening" I read a book called "Matka yli ymmärryksen" (A journey over understanding) written by Heikki Saureen. (It's written in Finnish language and there's also a chapter about my uncle Marko Pellikainen). I was listening to music and I heard uncertain whispering through the music. I couldn't understand it. Later I found out that my guide tried to talk with me. That was the first time when I heard a voice from the spiritual world.

Still I kept reading reading the book. After a while of the whisper I turned my attention to our front door. It sounded like if someone was trying to get in with a key. At first I thought it was my boyfriend, but no one opened the door. Just tinkled the keys against the lock. A bright light shined through the peephole. I didn't pay much attention into it and I kept reading. Obviously the spirit tried to be polite while trying to get in "with a permission" but since no permission wasn't given, it left. I don't know how reading the book affected in all the happenings. I felt cold air next to me. I put my hand into it and it started to heat up. My fear of spiritual world was gone.

I called Marko again in the evening. I told him what had happened. and that I saw energy balls everywhere. He taught me my first lesson then. He taught me to do energy healings. My uncle also told me that I was a healer witch in my previous life and I did channelings at the same time. A lot of people came to see me even from very long distance. Word of me and my doings spread far away. Im receiving these taughts into this life also.
I completed an exercise given by Marko. I saw how energy went through my body. I saw the energy of my guide. From that moment I've been doing energy healings.

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