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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How it all began?

I have been writing this blog in Finnish for a long time and we have been asked to translate it in English also so that we could help more people around the world and share more information.


I decided to start writing a blog about my spiritual path. About everything I have experienced, what I've seen or done. Hopefully this blog could be give help for people in need or just gives you a subject to think about.

So... How it all began? I've experienced "paranormal" things and happenings through my whole life. I remember as a kid when I went to sleep and I started to hear guitar playing and voice of a singing man.
My little sister heard it too. When we told about this "musician" to our mom, and asked her to try to hear it, she couldn't hear anything. Ever. It lasted for many years. With time I got used to it. Even tough no one else didn't hear it, I didn't think of it as an abnormal or weird. It took me several years to understand what was really going on.

Almost every relative from my mothers side have been spiritual; Healers, seers, dream seers, and a shaman. My family has been very supportive and their help on this spiritual path has been priceless and I am very thankful for them. Especially for my uncle, who is a lot more experienced shaman. He helped me to start my own path and taught me how to communicate with my guide and other spiritual beings. He taught me how to learn to use my own inner powers as a seer and a healer.

But who am I? I'm not yet sure of that myself either. All I know is that I`m an old soul in a body of a young woman from Northern Finland. I work as a healer and a seer. I do all kind of readings, i guide spirits, do energy healings and all kind of jobs that spiritual world gives me. I want to tell about my work and development to as many people as possible. I hope my blog provokes questions and thoughts, which could lead you to understand yourself and the wonders of the universe.

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