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Saturday, March 9, 2013


I see a lot of dreams. I even wake up in the middle of the night to read them, so I could remember them in the morning.

I've received teachings and knowledge from previous lives such as dream reading. Dreams always offer hints. For example how should I deal with a certain situation? Is there some unsolved thing that needs to be solved? Or just re-think the happenings of the day. You should read them carefully. I've been writing a notebook of my dreams and I suggest others to do so too.

Mostly the dreams that I see a relatively easy to understand for the messages are quite straight and simple to read.

For example: In the beginning of "The awakening" I saw a dream where I had a list of every person I know in front of me. I checked their names one by one with my guide. We considered which relationships I should end and which one's should I treasure more. The list was long and I can't remember anymore which names I had to "rule out". I woke up as I was just talking with my guide.

By that time my guide was a dark haired woman from Paris. She was very beautiful and she was wearing a white dress. Her name was Icon. She had gone away from this world somewhere around 19th century and she was about 30 years old. Icon suggested me to start painting or writing poems. She gave me a pen and some paper. (This is what my uncle Marko Pellikainen told me 'cause I didn't yet have the ability to communicate with spirits).
From the request of my guide I decided to buy paints, brushes and paper. I highly doubt that if it works, since I've never been good at drawing or painting. But! I painted a really beautiful butterfly in a fine background. I adored it. It was beautiful. I think that the spiritual world assisted me to create it. I wrote poems also, but they were not as "amazing" as I was told.

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